I’ve always jumped into new projects and got to know various industries and companies. After my time as an officer in the German army, where I developed technical and leadership skills, I moved to Spain. Together with partners from Italy and Switzerland, I started a Spanish language school for professionals in Madrid. Our customers were already booking us online in the 90s. A diverse program and intense interaction with Spaniards from all walks of life allowed our clients to quickly and deeply dive into modern Spain. The more demanding the clients, the higher the satisfaction. That was our motivation and it became a reality.
After that, I focused on building and optimizing business units and managing international projects. In the solar energy industry in Spain, I set up a customer service department and led it through extraordinary growth during a time of regulatory changes. I was usually the link between finance, controlling, IT, and operations.
At a leading engineering company, I held various leadership roles in industrial service and equipment. This time was marked by transformation and restructuring processes due to takeovers by European and US corporations. In close coordination with the headquarters in Germany, we constantly adapted processes and organization while improving profitability and customer satisfaction.
In Germany, I’m the Spaniard; in Spain, I’m the German. This sharpens my perspective because knowing both business cultures helps me develop sustainable solutions for the success of the headquarters and the local subsidiaries.
As an interim manager and your man on site, I bring all this experience to drive your projects forward.